Sackville’s first survey ‘report card’ gives high marks and low for services and leadership

The first annual survey of Sackville residents shows mixed results when it comes to opinions on municipal services, overall management of tax dollars and the town’s governance and leadership.

One hundred and ten people responded to the online survey expressing high rates of satisfaction with fire services (96%), garbage collection (84%) and arts and cultural programs and events (78%).

However, there was much less satisfaction with tourism initiatives (60%), economic development (42%) and town roads (36%).

Only just over half of those who responded were satisfied with the town’s governance and leadership (53%) and there was even less satisfaction with the town budget and management of tax dollars (49%).

Tantramar Regional High School student Ambra Kaur produced an infographic “report card” summarizing the results. (To view it, click here.)

The report card shows that survey respondents want the town to focus primarily on the management of dykes, economic development and the growth of new businesses.

The unscientific survey was carried out on the town’s website in the 26 days between Monday, March 19 and Friday, April 13.

Sackville’s Senior Manager of Corporate Projects, Jamie Burke says the town is pleased with participation in this year’s survey that was open to everyone, but targeted at Sackville residents.

“It was advertised on social media, our website, Civic Centre signboard, noted in council reports, and the local paper,” Burke wrote in an e-mail to The New Wark Times.

“Where it was our first one, we wanted to keep it simple,” he added.

An annual survey of residents was called for in the five-year strategic plan that town council adopted last year.

To read the 10 survey questions, click here.

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7 Responses to Sackville’s first survey ‘report card’ gives high marks and low for services and leadership

  1. Sharon Hicks says:

    So let me get this straight – 110 persons responded to the online survey, which is a mere 2% of the town’s population of around 5300 people, and yet Senior Manager of Corporate Projects, Jamie Burke, says the town is pleased with participation in this year’s survey !

    How is this a response rate to be pleased with?

    Perhaps they should be asking themselves why so few people participated. Was it because they didn’t know about it?

    We’re told it was advertised on social media, the Town website, the Civic Centre signboard, noted in council reports, and in the local paper. Apparently a lot of people missed those notices.

    So perhaps the Town needs to take another look at upgrading their communication strategy, or are they truly content with reaching only 2% of our residents?

    • rimaazar
      Rima Azar says:

      Very good point Sharon :). Will the next municipal elections be a more reliable citizen satisfaction barometer? Only time will tell…

    • Dodie says:

      It was advertised. I saw it posted on the Civic Centre sign and the Town’s website and I am pretty sure it was in the Trib as well.

      • Azi says:

        I have not seen those advertisements either. I am sure they were there since you indicate it Dodie, but they may not have been there long enough. This lack of response also shows that people do not go to town’s website often enough and that people do not buy and read the Tribune either. Or if they do, they think their opinions do not matter so why bother …of course these all add to any negative or lack of response related to the survey too.

      • Dodie says:

        I think, but could be mistaken, that it was also on the Town’s Facebook page. I also recall seeing it at least twice on the Civic Centre sign, so I think it was there for more than a day. Not everyone sees those messages, but it was advertised, and I saw it, and I do not generally go looking for Town ads.

  2. Percy Best says:

    Certainly a time for our Town Council to get it’s priorities in line with what the public wants. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT has to finally be taken seriously. Two and a half years into a four year mandate and seemingly nothing originating from the town has taken place. Fortunately we now have two vacant buildings up and running again in our Industrial Park but that was not of the Town’s doing.

  3. rimaazar
    Rima Azar says:

    Thank you Dodie (+ Azi). I cannot speak for Facebook (not on it), However, I think I I also saw the ad on the Civic Centre screen whilst driving. When I read your comment, I recalled having seen it there. I agree with Azi. Perhaps for a short time. Plus, let’s not forget that it is summer (how can we forget the heat :)?). People are busy being on vacation.

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